Website Development

Website Development

Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network).[1] Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.

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Web development refers to building website and deploying on the web. Web development requires use of scripting languages both at the server end as well as at client end.
Web development tools helps the developer to test and debug the web sites. Now a days the web development tooll come with the web browsers as add-ons. All web browsers have built in tools for this purpose.
Thsese tools allow the web developer to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript etc.. These are accessed by hovering over an item on a web page and selecting the “Inspect Element” from the context menu.
Types of web developers
- Frontend developers
- Backend developers
- Full stack developers

The Internet is the most valuable invention of the modern world. Many see it as an inexhaustible source of data, capable of offering the ideal solution to any problem with a couple of clicks. PWM, as a pioneer of web development, cannot promise that the Internet has the answer to everything; what is certain is that your business needs to carve its space numerically. The benefits of web development are contemporary necessities for businesses of today.
The 5 benefits of website development in a business include:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Adapted web design
- Higher sales conversion
- More security and reliable control
- Better performance

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